RichTextBox for UWP | ComponentOne
C1.Xaml.RichTextBox.Documents Namespace / C1TextPointer Class / GetPositionAtOffset Method / GetPositionAtOffset(Int32,Predicate<Tag>) Method
The offset.
A predicate that can be called to check if a Tag should count as offset. The predicate should return true iff the tag doesn't count. Can be null, which means no filter.

In This Topic
    GetPositionAtOffset(Int32,Predicate<Tag>) Method
    In This Topic
    Returns the position at an offset of the current position, optionally not counting some positions.
    Public Overloads Function GetPositionAtOffset( _
       ByVal offset As Integer, _
       ByVal tagFilter As Predicate(Of Tag) _
    ) As C1TextPointer
    public C1TextPointer GetPositionAtOffset( 
       int offset,
       Predicate<Tag> tagFilter


    The offset.
    A predicate that can be called to check if a Tag should count as offset. The predicate should return true iff the tag doesn't count. Can be null, which means no filter.

    Return Value

    A new position at the offset indicated, or null if the offset goes off the document.

    This method can be used to linearly traverse a C1Document tree.

    Start and end tags in each C1TextElement count as items for the traverse, for instance if the position is in an element with children, a position at offset 1 will be the C1TextElement.ContentStart of the C1TextElement where this C1TextPointer is positioned.

    If this C1TextPointer is positioned in a C1Run then it traverses the text of the C1Run.

    See Also